by Nabil Neazee | Nov 16, 2019 | Videos
Dr. Buttar now serves as the Medical Director for the Centers for Advanced Medicine with clinics on the east and west coast. The Centers specialize in the treatment and needs of patients refractory to conventional treatments and who have failed the standard approach...
by Nabil Neazee | Nov 16, 2019 | Videos
The truth about the flu shot. The flu shot increases the chances of getting the flu! Dr. Buttar discusses with Robert Scott Bell the study showing by getting a flu shot, you actually INCREASE the chances of getting the flu by a 6 fold (or 600%) increase! Why are we...
by Nabil Neazee | Nov 16, 2019 | Videos
What are the effects of vaccines? Does it depend on what part of the world you live in? This video shows you how to use the site, and how you can query data to determine if vaccines are safe or not. Take the 2 minute survey yourself if you have children....
by Nabil Neazee | Nov 16, 2019 | Videos
Dr. Buttar explains the difference between non-excretor vs excretor status. Non-excretors have to labor to rid toxins out of the body, this is applicable to all 7 toxicities. Non-excretors hold onto any toxin vs releasing it, whether it be emotional, spiritual, heavy...
by Nabil Neazee | Nov 8, 2019 | Videos
Comments during live feed video regarding Autism, causes, and how the truth is being ignored, with listener comments and...